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 July 2017

Survey results on FLAG support to Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries

FLAGs are one of the possibilities offered by the EMFF - and previously by the EFF - to reach out to Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries (SSCF) and, in practice, the SSCF sector is the natural partner of most FLAGs. Still, information demonstrating the extent to which FLAGs around Europe have been supporting SSCF had never been collected or analysed. Based on a survey carried out among FLAGs from both the EFF and EMFF periods, a report by the FARNET Support Unit now gives an insight into the level of support provided by FLAGs to SSCF.

It was revealed, for example, that over 2 600 projects were targeted directly at Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries in the 2007-2013 period, accounting for around 23% of all FLAG-supported projects – and 40% of FLAG projects where SSCF were present. This means an estimated €140 million dedicated to SSCF. More statistics and analysis of the survey responses are available in the report, available on the FARNET website here.


Seeking synergies and opportunities for cooperation in the north-west of the Mediterranean

Two French FLAGs, two Italian FLAGs and three Spanish FLAGs met in May to discuss possibilities for cooperation in the north-west region of the Mediterranean. During this meeting held in Barcelona, FLAGs presented their strategies and actively participated in two thematic workshops on diversification of fisheries and aquaculture activities and adding value to fisheries products. The FLAGs wish to create a thinktank to tackle common issues and identify solutions together.

It was concluded that the FLAGs could play an important role in the development of the region’s blue economy and together could be drivers of success. Cooperation ideas on adding value identified included: creating a new relationship between the fisheries sector and consumers, raising awareness about local and seasonal species. The FLAGs will participate in the Alimentaria 2018 fair to present the region’s local fisheries products.

Diversification was noted as a potential driver for generational renewal and the inclusion of women in their fishing communities. The FLAGs will look into creating joint tour packages, starting by developing an inventory of available tourist activities in their regions. More information can be found here.


18-20 September
FARNET Managing Authorities and National Networks meeting for fisheries CLLD
Haapsalu, Estonia

29 September
World Maritime Day

9-12 October
European Week of Regions and Cities 2017
Brussels, Belgium

10-12 October
Beyond 2020: Supporting Europe’s Coastal Communities – DG MARE
Tallinn, Estonia

9 November
Information Day on Blue Growth calls under the EMFF
Brussels, Belgium

21 November
World Fisheries Day

20-22 November
FARNET’s 5th Transnational Seminar on Aquaculture
Weiden, Germany

Other news

Annual Meeting of Spanish FLAGs
The annual Spanish FLAG meeting took place mid-June. Most of the FLAGs and regional authorities responsible for CLLD were present, along with the national Ministry and the FARNET Support Unit. During the meeting, emphasis was placed on promoting innovation in projects and on cooperation to promote local products. More info here.

Costa Sostible FLAG: a commitment to training
In May, this Galician FLAG organized a workshop as part of their Promoters Training Programme, a free tool for beneficiaries to help improve their business management skills. Workshops are defined according to approved projects and expert advice is provided on carrying out sustainable projects (financial, commercial, fiscal, promotional...). Find out more about the programme.
Estonian FLAGs visit North East Scotland FLAG
As part of a study visit to Scotland, the Lake Peipsi and Lake Võrtsjärve FLAGs visited the North East Scotland FLAG (NESFLAG) last May. Local fishermen demonstrated equipment and techniques to the visitors who also learned about the town’s fisheries heritage and everyday life. More info here.
Beyond 2020: Supporting Europe’s Coastal Communities
The Estonian Presidency of the EU and DG MARE are jointly holding a stakeholder conference in October on how the EMFF is helping to support the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and Maritime Policy. Stakeholders from all across the EU are invited to discuss current and future challenges of coastal communities and potential policy responses. More information is available here.
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Editor : European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Director-General.
Disclaimer : Whilst the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is responsible for the overall production of this newsletter, it is not responsible for the accuracy, content or views expressed within particular articles. The European Commission has not, save where otherwise stated, adopted or in any way approved any view appearing in this publication and statements should not be relied upon as statements of the Commission’s or the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries’ views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication, nor does the European Commission or any person acting on its behalf accept responsibility for any use made thereof