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   January 2017

Estonian and Latvian FLAGs meet in an unusual setting

The Estonian National Network took its annual FLAG meeting off dry land to hold it on a ferry instead. The event included an overview of all FLAG activities and a specific focus on cooperation. With this in mind, the meeting was open to Latvian FLAGs as well. Two days of travelling from Riga to Stockholm on a ferry brought together fishermen from all the Estonian FLAGs, FLAG managers, national MAs, representatives of the NN (Fisheries Information Centre), Latvian FLAGs managers and several fishermen from Latvia. Holding the event on the ferry ensured a captivated audience, maximizing interaction between participants and creating a unique atmosphere.

The use of a professional moderator in the working groups helped the flow of conversations on the benefits of cooperation and its role in strengthening local communities. Specific project ideas came out of the discussions, such as partnerships on seaweed production and exporting Estonian fisheries products to Latvia.
Estonian and Latvian FLAGs also shared experiences with launching their first calls for projects. The FARNET Support Unit presented the steps FLAGs need to consider when developing cooperation projects and the lessons learnt from the past period. This meeting is one of the first examples of a joint cross-border networking event on the benefits of cooperation activities. It highlights the FLAG interests in implementing cooperation projects and the eagerness to start collaborating and exploring opportunities with neighbouring FLAGs.


New Year, New Website!










FARNET will be launching a new and improved website in February! The website will be more user-friendly with new features allowing easier access to content. More information will soon follow.


7-8 February 2017
“Blue Science for Blue Growth: EuroMarine, connecting ideas and people”
Brussels, Belgium

14-15 February 2017
EMODnet Sea-Basin Checkpoints Stakeholder Conference
Brussels, Belgium

15-17 March 2017
2nd International Conference on Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning
Paris, France

21-23 March 2017
FARNET 3rd Transnational Seminar: Social inclusion for vibrant fishing communities
Jūrmala, Latvia

25-27 April 2017
XXIII Conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE): The socio-economics of adaptation in EU fisheries
Dublin, Ireland

15-21 May 2017
European Maritime Day Conference
Poole, UK

29 May - 2 June
EU Green Week: Green Jobs for a Greener Future

Other news
Spain is the very first Member State to campaign for #FarmedintheEU on a national level. Its “Day of Aquaculture” event was part of an initiative to bring aquaculture producers and schools together and raise awareness on sustainable aquaculture.
To understand the key steps involved in setting up cooperation projects, see the report and presentations from last November’s Managing Authorities and National Networks meeting.
Golfo Ártabro Sur FLAG recently had their strategy for the 2014-2020 approved. They will work on fostering synergies between the marine and tourism sectors, promoting their heritage and preserving marine ecosystems.
FLAGs in Asturias (Spain) have chosen their first 15 projects to receive funding which will diversify economic activities, promote the fisheries sector and products, improve coastal tourist attractions and environmental measures. More on what they’ll be working on.
Stay updated on the FARNET’s 3rd Transnational Seminar and how the theme of “Social inclusion for vibrant fishing communities” will be addressed.
Do you have ideas on how to promote transnational nautical tourism? A call for proposals is here.
Businesses and local groups are invited to submit their project applications to the Highland & Moray FLAG.
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Editor : European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Director-General.
Disclaimer : Whilst the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is responsible for the overall production of this newsletter, it is not responsible for the accuracy, content or views expressed within particular articles. The European Commission has not, save where otherwise stated, adopted or in any way approved any view appearing in this publication and statements should not be relied upon as statements of the Commission’s or the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries’ views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication, nor does the European Commission or any person acting on its behalf accept responsibility for any use made thereof