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   November 2016

Boosting business along the fisheries value chain

FARNET’s 3rd Transnational Seminar “Boosting business along the fisheries value chain” took place on 18-20 October in Thessaloniki, Greece. Over the two days of the seminar, over 100 participants from 20 countries worked together on ways to boost business and tap into opportunities along the fisheries supply chain.

The seminar included presentations, working groups and project-based discussions designed to equip the Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs) with the tools needed to help their local stakeholders find new markets to expand their network and develop business plans related to the fisheries sector. Presentations of successful practices provided participants with concrete examples to inspire new ideas. Participants learned from speakers presenting their experiences and from experts sharing their knowledge through presentations and workshops on topics ranging from market trends, science and research, value chain finance and reaching out to small-scale fisheries.

Such working groups offered participants the opportunity to discuss their local situations and receive guidance. A more technical workshop on developing and assessing business plans was also held. The seminar concluded with three field visits in the Thessaloniki FLAG area to a rice cooperative, a frozen mussels processing company and a mussel purification center.

Presentations, pictures and a report of the seminar are available on the event page


Building the skills of Croatian FLAGs to develop high quality strategies

On September 27-28, the Croatian FLAGs attended a capacity building event in Zagreb to receive guidance as Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) begins to be implemented in the country’s fisheries areas. A first group of FLAGs had received preparatory support in mid-2016 and is currently finalising their strategies, while further initiatives are emerging. This training offered FLAGs a methodological approach in defining their objectives, measuring future results and outlining their action plans.

Participants took part in working groups on developing FLAG strategies and understanding the challenges of their area. Presentations were made highlighting the potential of CLLD in fisheries areas, the benefit of National Networks, project examples and good practices.

The event also facilitated future contact between FLAGs and with the Managing Authority. About four or five FLAGs could already be operational by the end of 2016, and, eventually, there may be up to 13 FLAGs covering the entire Croatian coast, each with a budget of up to €2.2 million.


21 November
World Fisheries Day - Link

23-24 November
MA and NN of fisheries CLLD Meeting
Brussels, Belgium

23-24 November
2nd Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum 2016
Riga, Latvia

24 November
3rd Irish National Event: Linking the Atlantic Strategy and Current Funding Opportunities
Galway, Ireland

7 December
Achieving Results the CLLD Way: Putting the Method to Work
Båstad, Sweden

Other news
The Council of the EU approved a Directive regulating working conditions in the fisheries sector, aiming to ensure better conditions for more than 150,000 fishermen in Europe regardless of the size of the vessel.
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) published its 2015-16 Annual Report, revealing that market engagement and growth in MSC certified fisheries is on the rise.
The region of Murcia (Spain) will launch a seabed waste cleanup project made possible with the help of fishermen in port areas. The initiative is co-financed by the EMFF and will also include a social awareness campaign.
FARNET Magazine n° 14 explores how the fisheries sector is facing the migrant crisis and the challenges of measuring CLLD impacts. The Magazine also looks at innovation opportunities along the supply chain, and reports on cooperation and projects from FLAGs.
A total of 254 FLAGs have already been selected in Cyprus (3), Germany (29), Denmark (10), Estonia (8), Spain (18), Finland (10), France (22), Greece (33), Latvia (6), Italy (40), Lithuania (2), Poland (36), Portugal (12), Sweden (13), Slovenia (4), and the UK (8). More will continue to be selected before the end of 2016, offering enough time for FLAGs to be operational by beginning of 2017.
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Editor : European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Director-General.
Disclaimer : Whilst the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is responsible for the overall production of this newsletter, it is not responsible for the accuracy, content or views expressed within particular articles. The European Commission has not, save where otherwise stated, adopted or in any way approved any view appearing in this publication and statements should not be relied upon as statements of the Commission’s or the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries’ views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication, nor does the European Commission or any person acting on its behalf accept responsibility for any use made thereof