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   April 2016
FARNET MA meeting March 2016

 The first FARNET Managing Authority meeting of the new programming period

In March 2016, 40 representatives from 14 Member States participated in the first FARNET Managing Authority (MA) meeting, which took place in Brussels. The meeting aimed to support the setting up of delivery systems, the launch of national networks, and the development of monitoring and evaluation systems for CLLD. While progress in implementation varies among the MAs, it is expected that most FLAGs and their strategies will be approved by the end of the summer.

Presentation by some of the Managing Authorities showed the various tools and processes being used to improve the efficiency of delivery systems (e.g. in Finland, France, Spain, Sweden). The discussion also highlighted the benefits of learning from the last programming period. The focus on results was highlighted as a key principle of the new programming period. Presentations by FAME (Fisheries and Aquaculture Monitoring and Evaluation) Support Unit and two FLAGs further reinforced this by demonstrating the usefulness of monitoring that goes beyond the compulsory obligations. While recognising the challenges, there was a consensus among the participants on the importance of moving ahead quickly with the development of simple but effective monitoring and evaluation systems.

MAs also recognise the useful contribution of national networks in supporting CLLD implementation, especially in terms of facilitating knowledge sharing, capacity building, and peer learning, as demonstrated by the Swedish example. For the current period, ten new national networks will be set-up, bringing the total number of EMFF-CLLD networks to 19.

Read about the meeting and find all presentations here.


ecocertification for octopusThe world’s first certified sustainable octopus fishery 

With the support of Axis 4, a Spanish octopus fishery recently became the world’s first to receive Marine Stewardship Certification (MSC). Having successfully navigated the rigorous application process, the local fishery can now carry the iconic MSC logo, opening up new marketing avenues and opportunities.

Supported by the Ceder Navia-Porcía FLAG, four cofradias from western Asturias teamed up to apply for the MSC ecolabel, a globally recognized certification scheme promoting seafood sustainability. The fleet, made up of 27 boats, is based in the Navia-Porcía region of western Asturias and employs artisanal fishers from the cofradias of Nuestra Señora de la Atalaya de Puerto de Vega, Nuestra Señora de la Caridad de Ortiguera, Santo Ángel de la Guarda de Viavélez and San Pedro de Tapia de Casariego. With the help of Axis 4, and the participative-approach of the FLAG, the four cofradias achieved good cooperation and results in the pre-assessment, which was led by Bureau Veritas (BV), an independent certification assessment. The pre-assessment concluded that octopus stocks were healthy and the fishery was well managed, with only minimal impact on the marine ecosystem. A team of fisheries science and policy experts from BV evaluated the fishery according to the three principles of the MSC Fisheries Standard: the health of the stock; the impact of fishing on the marine environment; and the management of the fishery.

This example demonstrates the positive impacts that FLAGs and CLLD are having on the profitability and sustainability of European fisheries communities. To learn more about certification and how FLAGs can help increase the value of their local catch, check out our FARNET guide on “Marketing the Local Catch” and particularly the chapter on certification.


18-19 April
Creativity, Jobs and Local Development: 12th Annual Meeting of the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Development
Venice, Italy

23 April
PO MAR 2020: a tool for fisheries sustainability
Vila real, Portugal

25 April
#MyPortforTurku photo competition deadline - European Maritime Day
Helsinki, Finland

26 -28 April
Seafood Expo
Brussels, Belgium

18-20 May
European Maritime Day
Helsinki, Finland

24 - 26 May
FARNET seminar: Results oriented CLLD
Helsinki, Finland

27 May
International Fisheries Exhibition, launch event of FLAG Lostura
Helsinki, Finland

16 June
Blue economy of the Black Sea - DG MARE conference
Odessa, Ukraine

Other news
EASME, the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, has issued new calls for projects linked with blue growth and blue innovation. FLAGs are eligible to apply. Read more about the call for bluelabs (deadline 31/05/16). More EMFF EASME calls.

Create synergies across ESI Funds: design smart partnerships! Learn how to make the best connections across the ESI Funds, Horizon 2020 and other EU funding programmes with this interesting publication.
“More Europe, less paperwork!” The European Commission has launched a public consultation on how to make EU laws more effective and efficient. So, if you want to see changes in this area, have your say! Read here also about the impact of the Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT) on fisheries management.
For the second time, the Yves Rocher Foundation, Terres de Femmes, has given an award to a woman behind an Axis 4 project. This time, the winner is Catarina Grilo, a Portuguese biologist and the promoter of the Alentejo FLAG-supported project, “Cabaz do Peixe” (Fish Basket). Read more...
The regional government of Galicia has published a guide on Axis 4, which analyses the results and lessons of the previous period with a view to supporting CLLD activities in the period up to 2020. Click to download this guide, as well as all the new Galician FLAG strategies.

In California, a new app combines Community Supported Fisheries with a B2B service that matches local seafood supply and demand. Learn more about the Community Seafood Exchange #CSFx project.
The INTERREG Tourfish e-book is now available, presenting useful ideas on how coastal and fisheries communities can make the most of opportunities for tourism development.
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Editor : European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Director-General.
Disclaimer : Whilst the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is responsible for the overall production of this newsletter, it is not responsible for the accuracy, content or views expressed within particular articles. The European Commission has not, save where otherwise stated, adopted or in any way approved any view appearing in this publication and statements should not be relied upon as statements of the Commission’s or the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries’ views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication, nor does the European Commission or any person acting on its behalf accept responsibility for any use made thereof