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   February 2016

CLLD: it's starting! Multi-fund CLLD – going forward together!

In December 2015, more than 110 participants from 22 countries came together in Edinburgh for the first FARNET transnational seminar of the 2014/2020 period. This pioneering event focused on multi-fund CLLD, and brought together representatives of the four European Commission Directorates General concerned, as well as managing authorities involved in applying CLLD in one or more of the ESI Funds. 

The challenges and opportunities of the multi-fund approach was the central topic of the event, and case studies presented by managing authorities (e.g. from Sweden) and FLAGs (e.g. Wales and Italy) highlighted which “bolts to tighten and common tools to develop” to ensure CLLD to achieves its potential. Recalling the experiences of LEADER, the Pesca Community Initiative, and Axis4, the message from the participants was clear - CLLD shows that the EU is more than just a source of regulations: it is also a source of inspiration, dynamism and empowerment for local communities in Europe. Read more about the event and its social media coverage here.

Also read: FARNET visits the Scottish harbour of Eyemouth.

  LIFE platform meeting Poland

CLLD up close: delivering results in your community

Hot on the heels of the first FARNET event, preparations for the second seminar are already underway. This second event will focus on the topic, “Results-oriented CLLD in fisheries areas”, responding to the expressed needs of FLAGs currently working on their local strategies or developing their monitoring and evaluation plans. It will also open the discussion on the broader impact of CLLD in addressing the challenges of fisheries areas. The seminar will take place in Finland in May 2016 and registration will be opened in the course of February.

This event will also be a “market place” for FLAGs to share information on some of the innovative approaches used to evaluate their performance; as in the case of the UK FLAG from Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, which commissioned an analysis of the Social Return on Investment of its activities. Interestingly, the analysis found that the animator, employed by the FLAG to work with local fisheries communities in developing projects and securing funding, brought a return of €5.45 for every €1.00 invested. 

Has your FLAG produced similar results? We are looking for examples of SMART targets and indicators used in FLAG strategies or interesting ways of measuring FLAG performance! If you have examples to share with the FARNET community, please contact info@farnet.eu.


23-25 February
Flood & Coast 2016
Telford, UK

7-9 March
Regional Conference on “Building a future for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea”
Algiers, Algeria

9-10 March
Conference on social entrepreneurship and social innovation
Malmö, Sweden

EUpresidency2016 12-13 April
BEU 2016 – 4th European Bioeconomy Stakeholder Conference
Utrecht, the Netherlands – EU presidency event

18-19 April
Creativity, Jobs and Local Development: 12th Annual Meeting of the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Development
Venice, Italy

26-28 April
Seafood Expo
Brussels, Belgium

Other news
Implementing the discard ban: guidance for small-scale fisheries. Since the 1st of January 2016, demersal fishermen in certain parts of the EU are obliged to land all the fish they catch (link). To help those concerned by this “zero discards” policy, especially during the critical adaptation phase, many Member States are producing specific guidelines. Read more...
#EUFishEcon: “cooperation, cooperation, cooperation”. “Economic Advice in Fisheries Management: a trilogue between Science, Administration and Stakeholders”, was the title of a conference organised recently by DG MARE of the European Commission, in collaboration with the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE) and the University of Malta. FARNET was there also to highlight how CLLD is enabling fishing communities to develop new and innovative fisheries management initiatives. Read more...
Successes of Axis4: an inspiration for CLLD: Communicating actions and results is a fundamental ingredient of a FLAG's success (see SWFLAGlab), so it is essential to look back and see what has been accomplished and could be used to inspire the next generation of CLLD projects. In this edition of FARNET Flash we’re happy to share the 2007-2013 summary brochure of the South East Area FLAG (NI, UK). Have you produced a similar publication? If so, please send it to us.
The state of Europe’s seas: Three reports published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) during 2015 shed light on the current state of Europe’s seas and the network of marine protected areas (MPAs). Read more...
EASME The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) manages several EU programmes and related calls for projects, including EMFF support for the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) and the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) . EASME calls for projects can, therefore, be relevant to FLAGs and their partners. For example, see this call for Thematic Routes on Underwater Cultural Heritage (deadline 15/03/16). More EMFF EASME calls.

Open database of best practice on resource efficiency, quality food and energy: The Euro-Mediterranean Gateway for Cooperation in Research and Innovation on Energy, Food and Water (FP7 MEDspring project) is currently building an open database of good practices in the fields of resource efficiency (particularly water), high quality affordable food, and energy. If interested, you can propose your project here. FARNET and a Swedish Axis 4 project are already on the map. Let us know if you are too!

New data available on the European fishing fleet: The new brochure and infographics published by DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will tell you everything about the economic performance of the EU fishing fleet.
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Editor : European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Director-General.
Disclaimer : Whilst the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is responsible for the overall production of this newsletter, it is not responsible for the accuracy, content or views expressed within particular articles. The European Commission has not, save where otherwise stated, adopted or in any way approved any view appearing in this publication and statements should not be relied upon as statements of the Commission’s or the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries’ views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication, nor does the European Commission or any person acting on its behalf accept responsibility for any use made thereof