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   August 2015

The new programming period has started and FARNET is now back and ready to assist fisheries areas in achieving Union Priority 4 of the EMFF. Between 2015 and 2020, FARNET will connect and support local fisheries communities in implementing Community-Led Local Development (CLLD).

Building on the territorial, or area-based, approach initiated by Axis 4 of EFF, CLLD also brings new and innovative opportunities, such as the possibility for local communities to combine support from several European Structural and Investment Funds (the European Social Fund (ESF), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EARDF) to implement a single local development strategy.

Similar to Axis 4, decision-making on the use of funding is delegated to locally established organisations known as Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs). Decisions are guided by a local strategy, developed by each FLAG in response to specific local needs and opportunities. Funding available under this new strand of the EMFF is targeted primarily at creating alternative economic activities and improving the quality of life in areas affected by a decline in fishing or subjected to specific challenges hindering the viability of local fisheries communities.

Building on past experience and a strong stakeholder network, FARNET will continue to support FLAGs in their effort to ensure a positive future for local fisheries communities across Europe. These two short videos explain where FARNET has come from and where it wants to go.

2007-2013 2015-2020


The European Commission has launched a public consultation to collect views on how the EU can contribute to achieving better international governance of oceans and seas to the benefit of sustainable Blue Growth.

Launching the consultation at the World Ocean Summit in Portugal (June 2015), Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, told participants: "If our oceans are not healthy, our economy falls ill. Global maritime challenges require global solutions. I am committed to work intensively to define Europe's role in international ocean governance, for a sustainable blue economy and blue growth." Mr. Vella is also undertaking a “listening tour” of Europe to hear about ideas, challenges and opportunities related to sustainable Blue Growth.

Linking land and sea, local fisheries communities have an important role to play in demonstrating sustainable blue growth (see the FARNET #Sailing2020 report on Blue Growth); local stakeholders, through their ideas, businesses and knowledge, can be the innovators that demonstrate how Europeans can forge a viable and sustainable relationship with the oceans and seas. Add your voice to this consultation and help to ensure that the EU is at the forefront of sustainable ocean governance. Links to the consultation brochure and online questionnaire.

5-9 Sept. 2015
World Seafood Congress 2015
Grimsby, United Kingdom

9 Sept. 2015
RTA-ATN report on the Atlantic Strategy
Brussels, Belgium

9-11 Sept. 2015
Coastal Management 2015
Amsterdam, Netherlands

25 Sept. 2015
ENRD CLLD conference - Strengthening local development through co-operation
Milano, Italy

29 Sept. 2015
The Role of Bioeconomy in Climate Change Mitigation & Growth
Brussels, Belgium

6 Oct. 2015
"Drivers for Blue growth in the Baltic Sea Region"
Copenhagen, Denmark

12-15 Oct. 2015
Open Days - CLLD workshop 13 Oct: State of Play of integrated Community-Led Local Development across the four ESI Funds
Brussels, Belgium
Other news
Two calls for projects from the European Commission: Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas networks and Support Measures for Small Scale Fisheries
Marine Stewardship Council launches new fund to assist small scale fisheries in achieving MSC certification.
Register for FLAG newsletters! This month take a look at, and subscribe to, the FLAG Adriatico Salentino newsletter
SEARICA: an EP intergroup dedicated to European seas, rivers islands and coastal areas.
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Editor : European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Director-General.
Disclaimer : Whilst the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is responsible for the overall production of this newsletter, it is not responsible for the accuracy, content or views expressed within particular articles. The European Commission has not, save where otherwise stated, adopted or in any way approved any view appearing in this publication and statements should not be relied upon as statements of the Commission’s or the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries’ views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication, nor does the European Commission or any person acting on its behalf accept responsibility for any use made thereof