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   May 2016
  FLAGs meet in Helsinki to discuss “results-oriented CLLD”

FLAGs meet in Helsinki to discuss “results-oriented CLLD”

To kick-start EMFF CLLD for the new programming period (2014-2020), the FARNET Support Unit is organising the first European seminar for Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs) in Helsinki, from 24-26 May 2016. The theme of the event will be “Results-oriented CLLD in fisheries areas”.
The seminar aims to:

- help FLAGs develop better strategies, using SMART indicators and targets, in order to deliver results;
- help both FLAGs and MAs to develop monitoring systems and to steer the delivery of fisheries CLLD;
- open a discussion on the broader impacts of CLLD

These themes will be addressed through a series of presentations of good practices, working group discussions and a field visit, designed and hosted by the local South Finland FLAG.

A “Tool Fair” – an exhibition of monitoring and evaluation tools from around Europe – will also be a feature of the seminar, allowing FLAGs, MAs and National Networks to showcase and receive feedback on methodologies used for measuring and evaluating CLLD. This seminar is being organised at the initiative of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, with the support of the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the South Finland FLAG. Please find below more information about the event, FARNET and the work of FLAGs across Europe.

Although this event is dedicated to FLAGs and MAs, be sure to follow and interact on Twitter with the hashtag #CLLDresults in order to ask questions and give ideas on how to ensure and measure the results and innovations of CLLD.

   Local community on board as South Finland FLAG kicks off

Local community on board as South Finland FLAG kicks off

Following the approval of the ESKO (South Finland) FLAG at the beginning of 2015, its animation work has started to deliver results. By the autumn of 2015, ESKO’s board had already selected 10 local projects. According to the FLAG manager, this speedy and successful start has been largely thanks to the active participation of both fishermen and other local organizations in the development of the FLAG strategy, which, as a result, is carefully tailored to the needs of the local community. The project proposals selected fit perfectly into this strategy which focuses on supporting a viable and profitable fishery and fish farming sector as well as the development of fishing tourism.

One of the projects, for example, aims to tap into the excellent customer potential of the nearly 2 million people living in the metropolitan region of Helsinki and in the coastal areas of the Gulf of Finland. While imported farmed salmon (mostly from Norway) currently dominates this market, the “Fish booth” project is working to improve the marketing of local species by attending fish fairs and markets and branding locally caught wild fish species, including low-value by-catch. With the total allocated budget so far of €221 000, the board also decided to support:

  - 3 initiatives on training & education to encourage young people into professional fisheries,
  - 3 projects to help develop small fishing harbours and attract new activities to them,
  - 2 projects on fishing tourism,
  - 1 project on sustainability in fish farming

Interested in knowing more or setting up cooperation on one of these themes? Let us know by filling in this form or find us in the “cooperation corner” if you are attending the "Results-oriented CLLD” seminar in Helsinki.


18-20 May
European Maritime Day
Turku, FI

24 May
‘Tapping into Blue Growth the way forward for European aquaculture’
Brussels, Belgium

24-26 May
FARNET seminar: ‘Results-oriented CLLD’
Helsinki, FI

30 May-3 June
MSEAS 2016 ICES conference : ‘Understanding marine socio-ecological systems’
Brest, France

30 May-3 June
European Green Week 2016 : ‘Investing for a greener future’
Brussels, Belgium

16 June
Blue growth in the Black sea
Odessa, Ukraine

24 June
ENRD seminar: ‘Changing our mindsets: seizing opportunities in the green economy’
Brussels, Belgium

29-30 June
‘PONG Pesca’, LIFE/FARNET joint event
Sesimbra, Portugal

29 June-1 July
TBTI Symposium on European Small-Scale Fisheries and Global Linkages
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

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The FARNET Support Unit recently took part in the Nordic-Baltic networks’ meeting, which was organised by the Swedish Rural Network. The meeting explored ways of enhancing cooperation between the European Agricultural and Rural Development fund Programmes and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Programmes, addressing social exclusion and collaborating in the framework of the macro-regional strategy for the Baltic Sea region. Find out more about the event and the Swedish vision, “Develop Sweden!, for the use of EU Structural and Investment Funds in 2014–2020.
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Editor : European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Director-General.
Disclaimer : Whilst the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is responsible for the overall production of this newsletter, it is not responsible for the accuracy, content or views expressed within particular articles. The European Commission has not, save where otherwise stated, adopted or in any way approved any view appearing in this publication and statements should not be relied upon as statements of the Commission’s or the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries’ views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication, nor does the European Commission or any person acting on its behalf accept responsibility for any use made thereof